I'll give you a hint, as I wore this shirt to work today in honor of the occasion:
(First, let me explain that little Yankee Doodle hiding person thing that is in the corner of my office. It is one of my co-worker's and every day I walked by it and would want to just beat the shit out of it for some reason. Those hiding children things just bug me. So once my co-worker got tired of it, he put it somewhere else in the office. I snatched it up, and with his permission (as long as he wasn't holding a flag!), beat the shit out of it. Now I have it in my office for whenever a particular annoying co-worker pushes me over the edge. I just pick that thing up and start punching it and kicking it. Other co-workers even come to my cube to use it to let out their frustrations as well. You should get one. So I guess the point of that explanation is that I'm not someone who would have one of those stupid hiding children dolls in my office because I like it.)
ANYWAY - back to the exciting part of the story, which is my lunchtime fun and my shirt hinting at it. If you can't make out what it says, it states "I Partied With Ronald McDonald." And while I may not call attending his special appearance at the library down the street to encourage children to read "partying," I still got to go see Ronald. And we all know my history with getting all excitable about local Ronald McDonald appearances. What can I say? I love me some Ronald. Thankfully, I was able to tag along with Manda and her kids today so I didn't look like The Creepy Girl With No Kids Who Hangs Out With The Fast Food Clown In The Childrens Section Of The Local Library. Nobody wants to be that girl. However, I may have been the only adult who went right up to have a picture taken. But come on, it's RONALD:
It was actually the same Ronald that I saw in November, so he must be our local Ronald. I was kind of hoping it would be someone else since this particular Ronald is a little...portly? Is that a nice way of saying he's kind of a fatty? Because as far as I know, Ronald is a fit and svelte clown. Maybe he's just been Super-Sizing everything lately since he's of such little use in the commercials anymore. Yes, I'm still bitter about that. Anyway - fat or skinny, he's still Ronald and he rules. And I think we can all assume that whenever he is in town, I will be there pushing little kids out of the way. Hell yes.
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